Jack of Hearts

“Jack of Hearts and Other Parts” is in the 12-17 year old section of the Bob Herzfeld branch of the Saline County Library. It has it all…all kinds of gender ideologies, controversial social commentary, every kind of sex act imaginable, and alcohol and drug use by minors. I am only posting several pages up to page 26. The book is 375 pages long and the remaining 350 pages are more of the same. I’m also posting a report from booklooks .org showing the most pornographic content.

Kids are reading this and it’s also available in an audiobook format that can be checked out from home. School children have access to the library’s digital and audio books through Saline County schools and can view and listen to them without a library card or parental consent….even little children.

Link to report: http://booklooks.org/data/files/Book%20Looks%20Reports/J/Jack%20of%20hearts.pdf